5/28/02 ... New Access #
Starting May 28 2002 customers will be able to
dial into a new modem access number in Newton
3/19/01 ... 10 Digit Dialing
Starting April 2nd 2001 customers in eastern Massachusetts will be
required to dial 10 digit phone numbers within your local calling
area. To dial your local access number you must dial 10 digits,
which is the phone number + the area code.
Please read:
1/19/01To all of our valued customers,
Over the course of the last six years we have worked hard
to provide you with low cost, high quality Internet access.
We are one of the few remaining independent ISP's, and
we value greatly our customers, our employees, and our
community. We are proud to say that we have avoided many
of the pitfalls that have forced some of our larger competitors
out of business or to sell out.
Due to the ever-changing market conditions, we are raising
our prices to $11.95 per month, for month-by-month service.
We will still offer the $9.95 rate for those who choose to prepay
six months or one year in advance.
5/21/99 Mass. DTE Internet Call Decision
In response to the Massachusetts Dept. of Telecommunications
decision to classify Internet calls as interstate calls, we
would like all of our customers to know that we do not expect
this to impact upon our low pricing of $9.95/month for
unlimited Internet access.
11/19/98 Educational and Professional Exchanges
TheCIA has participated in an educational and professional exchange. The exchange was conducted by Project Harmony of Boston Massachusetts. The
participant Sergey Baranov works at an internet related business in Tomsk,
9/14/98 New Faster T3 access!
This past Friday, we changed the CIA's connection to the Internet to a
high-speed T3 link, which is 28 times faster than the previous
9/1/98 New User utilities
We have just created new utilities to help you manage your account. These utilities are in the
tech support section of the web site at http://www.thecia.net/techsupp.html.
They include mail forwarding, password changing, whois domain loookup, and a pop location finder.
7/13/98 Attention: Customer Billing Notice!
Due to the change in management at The CIA (Complete Internet Access), no billing took place for the
months of May and June. As of June 30th accounts will be billed twice to cover May and June. This will
continue throughout July until account balances are correct. If you have any question please email: